Tesco Community Grants fund

Streatham Youth and Community Trust are bidding for a cash boost from the Tesco Community Grants initiative. Tesco works with community charity Groundwork to run its community funding scheme, which sees grants of up to £1,500, £1,000 and £500 awarded to local community projects. Three groups in every community have been shortlisted to receive the […]

The Hut Summer Camp

Join us at the HUT SUMMER CAMP for a variety of fun and creative outdoor activities, from the 31st of July until the 25th of August.

SYCT May Half Term

May half term saw us take our juniors and inters on a residential to Haven, Great Yarmouth. We had a fantastic five days away and our members had a wonderful time. Thank you to all our supports for making this possible and a huge thanks to youth workers Mark, Sophie & Bart for taking them. […]

Summer Fun Day – 29th August ’23

Larkhall Stay & Play are bringing the community together to enjoy a summer Community Fun Day for everyone. This will be a charity fundraiser please share our go fund me link to help it be a success.    Click here to visit our Go Fund Me page!