The Centre started as a Boys Club in 1946 by Frank and Nancy Birkett who first met in Sunnyhill School; then Eardley School, then in St James Mission Hall, Eardley Road, till in 1961 the first part of the present Centre was built. When Frank and his wife left Streatham, the Club kept going for many years by Fred Crump and Laurie Hills two veterans of the first world war. While the Club was small by today’s standard, it had a lively group of young people keen on football, gymnastics, table tennis and other sports. Some were old members who became leaders and did great work in other places. Wall Crump, Ken Cooper, David White, Bill Marsh, John East, Brian Moughtin, Jim Williams, Clifford Lynn, David Robinson, Albert Robinson, Skipper Dalton, Don Attenborough, Mick Fuller, are names that old friends will remember.
As well as the activities mentioned above, the members have the opportunity to develop their DJ skills by using two ‘Technics’ turntables. This has proved to be very popular.
Every year the Seniors are taken on a residential trip. These vary every year but places we have been before are Somerset, Devon and Cornwall.
Anyone interested in joining the Senior Club will be more than welcome. For more details please contact Mark Wood on 020 8769 5884.
Streatham Youth and Community Trust | Company Number 07875930 | Charity Number 1148221