Mission & Values

what we do

Mission & Values

Our vision is that all children living or going to school in Streatham reaches their full potential.

We deliver a wide range of services, projects and activities for children aged 0 – 24.

Our Values are specific beliefs about what is right and wrong around us.

They are about the culture we should encourage, the standards we should have and the principals that underpin our efforts.

Over time certain things change, people, services, beneficiaries but our values should remain constant.

We will work cooperatively with young people, parents, partners and funders to develop

and deliver services

We will work with

honesty and integrity

Our services are

inclusive, safe and supportive

We will treat everyone

with dignity and respect


Streatham Youth & Community Trust

Streatham Youth and Community Trust | Company Number 07875930 | Charity Number 1148221